로그인 회원가입
  • 위원회
  • 국제위원회
  • 국제위원회 소식

국제위원회 소식

IABSE Awards 2025
2025.02.07 02:02


Submission Requirements

Submission of entries may be made under any of the categories listed below with the exception of the Gold Star Award. If a project does not strictly conform to any of the category descriptions, then it should be submitted under a category that most aptly describes the project in question.
Projects may be entered in up to two categories. However, projects submitted in two categories shall only  be  eligible  to  win  an  award  in  one  category.  The  Jury  will  consider  the  project  under  both categories and will decide in which category to make an award, if any. The Jury also reserves the right to reassign a project to a different category if it is considered more appropriate in that category.
To be eligible for the award, the project must have been completed after 31st March 2023 (i.e. no more than two years before the deadline for submissions.) Projects may only be submitted once.
Entries  shall  comprise  of  three  parts  –  Entry  Form,  Supporting  Information  and  Payment. These shall be submitted online only via the link below.
Note: Entries provided on a CD, USB or any other medium will not be accepted.



IABSE People and Paper Awards

Nominations are only valid when submitted through the National Groups.

If you live in a country without a National Group, please submit to IABSE Secretariat by clicking the link here.

National Group Chairs, please use the Online Submission Platform below. 



IABSE Projects and Technology Awards

Any party can submit an entry project and will only be valid when submitted on the official Submission Platform via the link below.

Entry fee:  250 CHF per entry.
A reduced entry fee may be permitted for those applying from countries which are eligible for reduced IABSE membership subscriptions. Please contact us at awards@iabse.org to receive the discount code.

Submit your project now!